What’s Your Passion Project?
Every creative person I know has a certain list tucked away somewhere. It’s a list of personal projects that they are itching to do but struggle to find time to produce. It’s true that between client projects, busy personal lives, and other obligations, it can be tough to find time to work on passion projects. At the same time, passion projects are essential to the health of any creative person. After all, creatives produce work not only done for client fulfillment, but for personal fulfillment as well. Passion projects give creatives the freedom of expression without client constraints and a chance to develop and explore new skills while maintaining a inspiration for their work.
My own personal passion project list expands and contracts like the tide. I look for windows of opportunity to squeeze in time to keep up my passion for design, network with other designers, and find joy in reconnecting with my love for building something from scratch.
Recently, I had the pleasure of working with some friends to build a website that makes it easier to find alternative healing modalities in our little corner of the world. It’s the kind of project that nurtures the spirt and simply feels wonderful to be a part of. Like most projects of its type, it starts off small and grows far beyond anything that could be considered a small endeavor.
Local Healers.org promotes alternative healing modalities and wellness practices in the Inland Northwest.
The objective was to demystify different modalities and make it easier for the public to get to know individual healers.
A fresh and energetic color palette allows for continuity and versatility at the same time.
An interactive map makes it easy to find different services.
Coeur d’Alene and the surrounding area are beautiful destination with a wide variety of activities and healing resources.