Finding Freshness With Freelancers
Like the majority of agencies, we have adopted a “hub model” whereby we have freelancers working on projects alongside ourselves. In addition to our core roster of talent, we also work with new freelancers on a regular basis. Over the years we’ve found to be a wonderful way to cultivate fresh perspectives and explore new creative avenues. As a business that makes a living based on its creative product, having a variety of work is essential.
Working with a range of creative talent comes with both benefits and challenges. The first challenge is finding the right creative person for a specific project. Although most folks are creatively ambidextrous, it’s common to develop certain tendencies or a specific style. And, given the range of media today, many creatives gravitate towards certain programs and tools. We also hire both people early in their careers and more experienced people. Newer creatives, having grown up in a fully connected world, tend to look at communication differently — and in turn approach their creative projects with a sense of uninhibited connectivity. In contrast, experienced creative know how to get stuff done. They tend to be more thoughtful before they begin projects and methodical in their execution. We are generalizing to a large degree of course, but choosing talent from a large pool Just like every other agency, we try to work with people that deliver on a regular basis.